Recon, a new movie produced by Robert Port and Rick Dugdale, tells a riveting story of four American soldiers during the end of World War II. After their sergeant makes a questionable decision, these soldiers put their trust in an Italian guide to help them make the journey up an Italian mountainside. But can he be trusted? Read the director’s note below to learn more about Recon.
Robert Port ~ ” RECON was the culmination of a life spent trying to understand. Understand why men like my grandfather, a simple man, who served honorably in World War II, would never discuss his heroics with an eager, wide eyed, eight-year old boy.
Understand why the larger than life image of Steve McQueen as Captain Virgil “Cooler King” Hilts in John Sturges iconic THE GREAT ESCAPE or Jim Brown’s selfless death in THE DIRTY DOZEN resonated in the dark of those movie theaters in Boston, MA so loudly in my mind.
Understand why in high school and later college novels like; “Slaughterhouse-Five,” “Catch-22,” “The Naked and The Dead” and “The Diary of a Young Girl,” helped shape a morality as bold as the type printed on the book’s pages.
Image courtesy of Brainstorm Media/Enderby Entertainment
And eventually understand that those black and white morals are extremes, not reality. That, in the shades of grey that exist between, lays the truth. That killing and murder are two very different things and when we lose sight of it — as we have — we risk losing everything.
Understand that when I first read “Peace” by the wonderful and gifted Richard Bausch, that I had finally found a way to pay tribute to my grandfather and every other man and woman who served their country, people and family in the greatest conflict our world has ever seen.
Understand, finally, what a veteran of World War II meant when he once told me, “He who saves a life, saves the entire world.” ~ Robert Port
Please note that due to the sensitive material covered in this movie, it is suitable for mature audiences only. Recon will be available On-Demand everywhere and in select theaters starting tomorrow, November 10th – perfect for a Veterans Day movie marathon.
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