If you have TRICARE for life, you may find this article helpful.

TRICARE Newsroom ~ Do you have TRICARE For Life? If so, you may know that Medicare and TRICARE For Life work together to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses. After Medicare processes your claim, it forwards the claim to TRICARE For Life for processing. This eliminates the need for you to file a claim. But if you also have other health insurance, also known as 'OHI,' you may have to submit a claim in order to receive reimbursement under TRICARE.
OHI is any health insurance you have in addition to TRICARE. Medigap plans and current or former employer group health plan coverage are examples of OHI.
'If you have Medicare, TRICARE For Life, and OHI, each type of coverage is called a ‘payer,’' said Anne Breslin, TRICARE For Life program manager at the Defense Health Agency. 'When there’s more than one payer, the order of payment is called ‘coordination of benefits.’ Coordination of benefits rules determine who pays first.'
It’s good to understand how TFL works with OHI. This helps ensure that your claims are paid correctly. Keep reading to learn more." ~ TRICARE Newsroom
Click the link below for more info on reporting your OHI, using OHI with TRICARE and Medicare, and how to file claims.
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