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New TSA Rules Rolled Out

The TSA put out some new rules for passengers.  Here’s a heads up on what you can expect when flying.

Forbes ~ ” From now on, air passengers will scan their own boarding passes, separate their carry-on food items for screening and remove prohibited items from bags themselves.

Those are just some of the new screening protocols the TSA is rolling out to limit touchpoints and direct contact between agents and passengers in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.

‘In the interest of frontline TSA workers and traveler health, TSA is committed to making prudent changes to our screening processes to limit physical contact and increase physical distance as much as possible,’ said TSA administrator David Pekoske in a statement. ‘We continue to assess our security measures in order to make smart and timely decisions for the benefit of health and safety, as well as the experience of the traveler.’

Michael Ball / CC0 | Wikimedia Commons

The new procedures, which have already taken effect at some airport checkpoints, will be rolled out nationwide by mid-June. While most of these measures build on new protocols announced in recent months, there are new changes aimed at limiting passenger contact by agents and cross-contamination.” ~ Forbes

Click the link below for 5 specific updated procedures.

New TSA Rules

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