Please note tight restrictions have been implemented to Space-A flights in response to the COVID-19 crisis. In most cases, Space-A travel for other-than-official business has been suspended. More below.

“SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE, Ill. — Air Mobility Command today temporarily suspended most Space-Available travel aboard AMC and contracted aircraft, except for certain Category I, IV, and VI travel, effective March 21 in order to limit COVID-19’s spread and its impact on the force.
The temporary suspension remains in effect through May 11, 2020.
Travelers under certain categories, including service members and dependents on emergency leave and Wounded Warriors, remain eligible for Space-Available travel, as noted in the table below. However, travel via Space-Available is never guaranteed and, as always, travel is available only on a space-available basis.”
For complete details, and to determine if you can still qualify for Space-A travel, please click on the link below.

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