Military spouses have an opportunity to connect virtually through a Facebook Live screening hosted by the National Military Spouse Network.
The National Military Spouse Network ~ ” Join the The National Military Spouse Network (NMSN), representatives from USAA and Hiring America along with other special guests for an exclusive sneak peek of Hiring America’s upcoming feature video on Storm the Hill. Get an inside look at NMSN’s day of advocacy and follow military spouses as they reach out to congressional leaders to advocate on military spouse employment initiatives and policies. This virtual advance screening provides viewers with a front row seat on this important event before it airs nationwide and get a head-start on making meaningful progress on issues critical to the mil spouse community. The video will be followed by a Q&A with the producers and other special guests.

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Founded in 2010, the National Military Spouse Network (NMSN) delivers ongoing personal and professional development for military spouses by providing quality content, mentoring, networking opportunities and resources, including a monthly newsletter and free bi-annual digital magazine. NMSN creates a community of military spouse professionals, businesses, academics and media to share expertise and craft innovative solutions on both balancing a viable career with the military lifestyle and laying the foundation for a successful career post military life.” ~ The National Military Spouses Network
To learn more about The National Military Spouses Network and their upcoming Facebook Live screening, click the link below.

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