Did you know that disabled Veterans can now shop at the Army and Air Force Exchanges and that all Veterans honorably discharged can shop tax-free online at ShopMyExchange.com?

publicaffairs-sme ~ "Calling all Veterans! The Exchange wants YOU to know you can shop tax-free. Honorably discharged Veterans can shop at ShopMyExchange.com, and Veterans with service-connected disabilities can shop at PXs and BXs too.
Exchange Director/CEO Tom Shull, a Vietnam-era Army Veteran, championed expanding shopping benefits at ShopMyExchange.com and for disabled Veterans in-store.
'While serving in the Army as a platoon leader, I saw many Soldiers return broken from Vietnam,' Shull said. 'No one thanked them for their service. I always felt that we had never treated them the way we should have. Tax-free shopping for life is a tangible way to honor their service and welcome them home.'
At the Exchange, Veterans can find military-exclusive prices in addition to the everyday tax-free savings on name brands, including The Home Depot, Sunglass Hut, Bath & Body Works and Old Navy." ~ publicaffairs-sme

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