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GoSun Releases Solar Powered Travel Mug

GoSun has released a variety of solar-powered items great for campers and travelers. Their latest creation, the GoSun Brew, is a solar-powered travel mug. It’s the perfect addition to a backpacking or camping setup; no fire to make your coffee means no threat of wildfire to the area where you’ve set up camp. Read on for more information regarding this cool gadget.

InHabitat ~ ” GoSun, the company that brought us the GoSun Flow portable sink and shower and GoSun Go solar oven, has its ninth crowdfunded product underway. The GoSun Brew is an insulated, solar-powered travel mug that integrates a 12-volt heater and a French press, with all the technology housed inside the base. That means you can brew a cup of coffee or tea from start to finish in an all-in-one cup virtually anywhere, with no messy setup or complicated process.

Photo by Dziana Hasanbekava from Pexels

A successfully funded project on Kickstarter, GoSun Brew is a must-have for regular campers, outdoor enthusiasts or off-gridders who can’t go without their morning cup of joe. As an added bonus, the travel mug provides ample power to charge electronics portably thanks to its 266-watt/hour solar power bank — powerful enough to brew eight cups of coffee, charge a laptop three times or charge a smartphone 22 times. It only weighs about 3 pounds, so it can be easily packed in with the rest of your gear.” ~ InHabitat

For more information about the GoSun Brew, click the link below! Please note that while this would make a perfect Christmas gift, shipping on the product is not available until April due to high demand and COVID-19 restrictions. If you still want to gift this for Christmas, a nice bag of coffee with a note about the GoSun Brew would do the trick!

Harness the power of the sun to brew your coffee!

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