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COVID-19: Hotels Are Offering Buy Now, Stay Later Bonds That Increase In Value 60 Days From Now

Hotels are offering “buy now, stay later” bonds that will increase in value in 60 days. What a great way to help support the hotel industry during these difficult times! And, you’ll save big bucks when you take that “post-COVID-19” getaway!

Forbes ~ “A new public relations and marketing campaign called Buy Now, Stay Later is looking help out hotels in need, selling $100 hotel bonds that mature to $150 in 60 days…

…Called Buy Now, Stay Later, the campaign hopes to provide a win-win for both travelers and hoteliers by selling what they’re calling “hotel bonds,” similar in purpose and procedure to a treasury bond…

…The idea is simple. Buy a $100 “hotel bond” now, and in sixty days it will mature into a $150 credit. For every $100 bond you buy, you’ll gain that extra $50 after sixty days. Multiple bonds can be purchased from the same hotel. If you buy five one-hundred dollar bonds today, it will become worth $750 sometime in June, for example.” ~ Forbes

Stay Later Bonds

Image by bikson walder from Pixabay

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Stay Later Bonds

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