Using a credit card to pay for dining is a great way to earn points that can be redeemed for rewards. This article details the best cards for earning points on dining in 2020, so you can make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck.
The Points Guy ~ ” While dining indoors at restaurants might be limited in some states, outdoor dining is slowly but surely coming back. Not to mention that taking out and ordering in is still possible, and encouraged. If you’re spending a lot on dining, you should be using a credit card that will maximize your rewards and potentially even score special discounts. Thanks to temporary card bonuses and changes due to coronavirus, you may even be able to score a meal at your favorite restaurant for completely free.
Image by Pexels from Pixabay
Finding the best card for your dining charges is not as easy as just looking at the earning rate on a card and deciding that 4x on dining is better than 3x. The value of the points or miles you’re earning is also an important part of the calculation. Three points per dollar on one card can actually be better than 4x points per dollar on another.
It’s also important to factor in the net cost of carrying the card in your wallet; many reward cards have high annual fees, but those are sometimes offset by annual travel and dining credits. Additionally, many cards now offer dining-focused perks such as exclusive access to reservations at certain restaurants and free or discounted food delivery.” ~ The Points Guy
To see the full write-up of the best credit cards for dining, click the link below.
** Please note: Due to the impact of COVID 19 on travel, we encourage people to always plan trips in accordance with the guidance provided by government and health officials.
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