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The 15 Best Beaches In The South

Southern Living magazine put together a list of the best 15 beaches in the south, according to their readers. Some of these are nearby to some military bases, as well, so you can find some military lodging to stay at while you're there!

Orange Beach, AL | Image by Sariann Irvin from Pixabay

Southern Living ~ "Southerners are opinionated about a lot of things. The proper way to make sweet tea, the importance of thank-you notes, and which college football teams are worth cheering on—just to name a few. In the summer, we mostly agree that the best place to vacation is at the beach. Sun, sand, and surf are universally loved, but that doesn’t mean we all agree on the best place to find the time-honored trifecta. We’ve certainly got our opinions on top Southern beaches, which means y’all undoubtedly do too. What are the best beaches in the South? Well, the jury’s still—and may always be—out. However, we were interested in what y’all had to say. So, we asked, and you answered. These are the 15 best beaches in the South, according to our readers (in no particular order)." ~ Southern Living

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