In case you missed our post about Space-A and the new AMC website, we’re sharing it again for you folks! This time around, a majority of the AMC Space-A Terminals have migrated away from posting their 72-hour flight schedules on Facebook, with a few exceptions (looking at you, Norfolk). We are monitoring the AMC website and keeping tabs.
In the mean time, some of you may have noticed that Air Mobility Command (AMC) had updated their website at the end of 2021. It looks a little different, and as such, navigates a little bit differently. While we don’t have any updates yet on when Space-A will open up for us to utilize again, we can share with you the link to their updated website and some tips for navigating it.

Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii Marine Corps Base Space-A
This site here is the Air Mobility Command’s Space Available Travel Page:
On this page, you’ll find the basic information regarding Space-A travel. You’ll see the current Space-A category limitations, which were put into effect 15 MAR 2021 (click HERE to read the memorandum). You can also find information on the different categories and eligibility, if you are unfamiliar. They also give you step by step instructions on how to utilize Space-A properly, to avoid any hiccups. Another thing you’ll find on this page is links to some passenger terminal social media sites, but bear in mind, these are slowly transitioning away. Another link provided is the passenger terminal directory, where you’ll find emails and phone numbers for terminals.
This site here is the Air Mobility Command’s Travel Page:
On this page, you will find the Passenger Terminal Directory. These are the pages that are going to have updated flight information, among other things. They have also posted special requirements for traveling to Germany, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. You can also find links to ICE sites should you like to provide feedback directly to the terminals, as well as some other featured links that may be helpful to you.
Keep an eye out for us to post updates on Space-A travel. Fingers crossed that we can begin to fly Space-A again soon!
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