In an effort to assist our subscribers, we recently added in 52 Fisher House locations associated with either a military hospital or a VA Medical Center that offers Fisher House “Home Away from Home” accommodations in Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nevada, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin as well as in Germany and the United Kingdom.
To date, there are 71 Fisher Houses located on 24 military installations and 29 VA Medical Centers. There are five houses currently under construction, and a recognized need for 27 additional Fisher Houses to be built at select military bases and at VA Medical Centers in the U.S and in Germany.
A brief description of what is listed, how it is listed, how to access it, and what to look for is provided for your convenience. Please see the full article below.
Salt Lake City VA Medical Center Fisher House
There are two types of Fisher House listings:
Fisher Houses that are located on a military installation at a military hospital; and
Fisher Houses that are located on VA Medical Center property
For those that are located on a military installation, you will need to first select the “Military Lodging” tab, then select the state in which you are seeking Fisher House accommodations. A complete military lodging list by installation for that state will appear in alphabetical order. If a Fisher House location is available, it will appear under the installation lodging listing as “Fisher House” followed by the installation or military hospital name. Simply click on the listing to access information and links for that location.
For those that are located on a VA Medical Center property that is NOT on a military base, you will need to first select the “Travel Guide” section header and scroll to the state in which you are seeking possible Fisher House accommodations. A complete installation list for that state will appear in alphabetical order. If a VA Medical Center that offers Fisher House accommodations is available, it will appear at the bottom of the state listing as “VA” followed by the VA medical center/healthcare system name. Simply click on the listing to access information for that VA Medical Center such as telephone, location, directions and more. Listed under the heading “Lodging” on that same page will be the link to the Fisher House located at that VA Medical Center. Simply click on the link to the Fisher House for information and links for that location.
We hope that you will find this added digital subscription service helpful. For your convenience, we have provided a sample of how each type of listing will appear, highlighting in blue what you should look for. Please see the full page samples provided below.
For more information, please visit
Contributed by Trenna Nees, Military Living Publications
SAMPLE 1 – Kentucky Fisher House Location ON a Military Base
SAMPLE 2 – Minnesota VA Medical Center Property Location with a Fisher House
SAMPLE 3 – Minnesota VA Medical Center Property Fisher House Listing
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