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How Pilots And Controllers Communicate Digitally

The style of communication between aircraft pilots and air traffic controllers is subject to change as technology advances. For those readers who are interested in the technical side of flying, take a look at this article that details how pilots and controllers use technology to communicate digitally.

The Points Guy ~ ” Talking constitutes a large part of our communication with each other, but in a digital age, nonverbal communication its making up for an ever-increasing proportion of how we interact with each other. This is particularly true for pilots and Air Traffic Control (ATC).

As airspace begins to get busier again, more aircraft are being handled by individual controllers. With more aircraft comes increased radio transmissions and the increased chance of mistakes being made. One aircraft replying to the call meant for another aircraft, pilots missing a call meant for them and multiple transmissions being broadcast at the same time are all common events on a busy frequency. In addition, you may have a pilot and a controller from two different countries communicating in a language which isn’t their first — English. Accents can sometimes be difficult to understand and mistakes can be made as a result.

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

The use of a text message-based system nullifies all these problems, not only increasing flight safety but ATC efficiency as well. It’s known as controller pilot data link communications (CPDLC)

The benefits of datalink communications continue to grow as technology advances. It relieves congestion on ATC frequencies and, as a result, reduces controller and pilot workload. This, in turn, increases the number of aircraft that can safely fly through a particular section of airspace.

A certain type of datalink is also able to exchange data with the aircraft systems, without the need for pilot input. The aircraft is able to send regular accurate position information, allowing for reduced aircraft separation in areas not monitored by radar. This is particularly useful over the Atlantic, allowing more traffic to cross in a given time.” ~ The Points Guy

To get more details on how pilots and controllers use digital tools to communicate digitally, click the link below.

** Please note: Due to the impact of COVID 19 on travel, we encourage people to always plan trips in accordance with the guidance provided by government and health officials.

Check Out How Controllers and Pilots Communicate Digitally

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