On November 8th, 2022, the Department of the Interior reported that National Public Land Passes will be free to all veterans and families of military members who died in the line of duty. National Public Land Pass includes National Park, wildlife refuges, and more!
Outdoorlife.com ~ "Department of the Interior announced on Tuesday that starting this Veterans Day, all veterans and Gold Star Families can obtain free lifetime passes to America’s public lands.
The free lifetime Military Passes being offered to veterans are valid across the nation’s federal public lands. Each pass covers entrance fees for a driver and up to three adults at all national parks and wildlife refuges, as well as standard amenity fees at all national forest and grasslands, and at lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers. The passes can be obtained in-person or at the U.S. Geological Survey’s online store. Veterans can present one of the four forms of acceptable ID (Department of Defense ID Card, Veteran Health ID, Veteran ID Card, or veteran’s designation on a state-issued driver’s license or ID card).
Active-duty service members have been eligible to receive these passes since 2012, but legislation that passed last year extends that eligibility to all veterans and immediate family members of service members who died in conflict. The Alexander Lofgren Veterans in Parks Act cleared the Senate last December after passing the House of Representatives by unanimous vote in July. Backcountry Hunters and Anglers was part of a broad coalition of stakeholders that backed the legislation, as it supports the organization’s broader initiative to connect the military community with the nation’s public lands and waters". ~ Outdoorlife.com.
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