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This Interactive Travel Map Tells You Which Countries Are Open

This interactive travel map will help you to reliably determine travel regulations worldwide.**

Life Hacker ~ ” As we head into summer, it’s hard not to think about traveling. Not only it is the traditional season for vacations, but we’ve also been cooped up inside for months and most of us are probably itching to explore something new. Of course, given that we’re in the middle of a global pandemic where travel—especially by plane—isn’t a great idea, planning a trip may be more fantasy than reality these days. Either way, you may be curious about which countries have opened up to tourists. If so, an interactive map put out by the International Airline Transportation Association is a great tool.

Regularly updated with the latest information, you can click on any country on the map and find out what you need to know about COVID-19-related travel restrictions, what’s required to visit, and whether you’re eligible to do so. (And the countries on the map aren’t labeled, so if geography class wasn’t your jam, you may need a little help from something like Google Maps to figure out where you should be clicking.)

Image by Pam Patterson from Pixabay

With Europe scheduled to reopen its borders to travelers from outside the European Union on June 15, and some countries in Asia, like Thailand, planning to do so on July 1, expect to see more changes to the rules coming soon.

While you’re at it, you should also check, which provides continuously updated information on travel restrictions for each country. And again, we’re not saying you should start traveling again, but it’s nice to have the information handy.” ~ Life Hacker

Click the link below to get to the Interactive Map.

**Please note: Due to the impact of COVID 19 on travel, we encourage people to always plan trips in accordance with the guidance provided by government and health officials.

Interactive Map

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