Soldier's Angels. Org is asking to include a $1.00 donation with your kind-hearted Valentine's Day card to our troops and veterans to help cover shipping costs.

soldier's ~ "Every year we receive thousands of Valentine’s Day cards addressed to service members and veterans. Sadly, since the cost to distribute these cards is so high, we are not able to provide enough funding to get these cards to our military and veteran heroes so they can feel the love.
But now you can help us spread the love!
All you need to do is include $1 per Valentine you send! This will help us cover the cost of packing & mailing boxes of Valentine’s Day cards to deployed troops overseas and VA Hospitals!
Mail your cards and $1 per card to: Soldiers’ Angels Valentines for Veterans 2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107 San Antonio, Texas 78218
Need some inspiration to help you get started on your Valentines? Check out our Valentines for Veterans blogs for tips, inspiration, and photos of previous cards we received!" ~ soldier's
For more tips on sending this token of gratitude to our Nation's Heroes, please check out the link below:

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